With a GPS-enabled search feature, people can instantly see local nonprofits, churches and other agencies in the category they need. They can also enter their information ONCE, then share with the HIPAA-compliant share feature.
Through AI-analytics and a simple intake questionnaire, C3S not only reveals an individual’s needs, it also generates an ACE score and future health risk assessment. Doctors, social workers and teachers can instantly see a snapshot of a person’s history to better understand the barriers keeping them locked in destructive cycles.
C3S also helps nonprofits better understand their own stories by allowing them to store all client information in a centralized, encrypted database. In minutes they can pull meaningful data that communicates their impact to donors for continuous funding.
Referrals take seconds in the C3S app, which means a nurse can refer a malnourished patient to a food pantry, or a nonprofit can refer a client to a mental healthcare provider. Agencies can build their own encrypted, hyper-local networks and securely share information. If there isn’t availability in the immediate area, the search can be expanded to neighboring communities.